New York City and New York State employers need to be aware of upcoming responsibilities resulting from the passage of anti-sexual harassment laws earlier this year.
The most immediate change goes into effect on September 6, 2018 when New York City employers will need to comply with the Stop Sexual Harassment in NYC Act. As of that date, all employers will be required to post the required anti-sexual harassment notice in the workplace and provide this information to employees at the time of hire. The New York City Commission on Human Rights has since issued the mandatory poster and information sheet.
As part of this Act, beginning April 1, 2019, NYC employers with 15 or more employees will also be required to conduct annual anti-harassment training for all employees, and within 90 days of initial hire for incoming employees.
While this Act covers New York City companies, New York State employers will also soon be required to comply with its own law, which takes effect October 9, 2018. As of that date, all New York State employers will be required to develop and distribute a written anti-sexual harassment policy and implement annual training for all employees. Beginning January 1, 2019, any company bidding for state contracts will need to include in their bids certification that they have a written policy and training program.
As a result of the sweeping legislation, all businesses in New York City and New York State should revisit their anti-sexual harassment policies and training programs to ensure that they comply with the requirements of the new laws.
As a mentor to our clients, Lisa Calick, SPHR is responsible for providing HR solutions to both colleagues and clients, helping to strengthen operational processes, allowing them time to focus on their core strategic goals. Reach Lisa at 973.577.2877 or [email protected].