If you own virtually any kind of new construction or existing commercial real estate — housing, retail, industrial, institutional, health care, etc. — you may be able to realize tax and cash flow benefits that can come from conducting a cost segregation study.
As an owner, you are already taking advantage of depreciation for tax purposes. For instance, if you own a $10 million building, you can depreciate that asset and take an annual federal tax deduction of that value over 39 years.
Certain assets within a building depreciate at a faster rate than others and often need to be replaced before let’s say, 39 years. A single building consists of a large variety of parts and components. These components have various useful lives, and in many cases, these useful lives are less than those 39 years. Property owners consult cost segregation specialists — consisting of a team of engineers — to maximize their tax benefits by identifying, classifying and segregating the various assets that make up the building. The goal is to claim useful lives for depreciation of five, seven or 15 years on certain component parts of the building rather than defaulting to 39 years for the entire building.
As an example of the possible effectiveness of a cost segregation study, one real estate owner traditionally paid about $900,000 in annual income taxes. The first year of his company’s study resulted in a significant tax savings of around $800,000.
Here are the things you need to know about commissioning a cost segregation study:
Ask your accountant if you may be able to benefit from a cost segregation study.
James Jenco is a CPA at Wiss & Company LLC and performs audits, reviews and initiates cost segregation studies on behalf of commercial real estate clients. Contact him at [email protected].